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Business Veda - India's Leading Business Podcast

Updated: Feb 8

A client case study on podcast creation by DFYP for Malay Damania - Business Transformation coach.

Case Studies

Client - Malay Damania

Client expertise - Business Transformation Coach & Author of the book Business Champ

Business Podcast - Business Veda

Podcast Category - Business growth, Personal brand development

Business Veda cover art
Business Veda Podcast
Business Veda - Podcast

Business Veda, a podcast hosted by Malay Damania, a renowned Business Transformation Coach and Author of the book Business Champ, aimed to provide actionable insights, practical strategies, and thought-provoking discussions on various aspects of entrepreneurship and business growth. Our podcast production company, Done For You Podcasts, was entrusted with the task of developing the concept, creatives, and marketing plan for the podcast.

About the Client

Malay Damania is a highly respected Chartered Accountant with 30+ years of professional experience under his wings. After establishing and managing a Chartered Accountancy with multiple offices and team of 75+ people, he has chosen to pursue his passion to help business owners and leaders to grow their business to the next level.

Using his vast experience and insight of dealing with multiple clients across various sectors, he has authored a book “Business Champ” – A complete roadmap to transform your business. Malay extensively works with startup founders and MSME owners to help them grow their business and manage a high-performance team.


The primary challenge for the client was to create a podcast that stood out in the highly competitive Indian business podcast landscape. The podcast had to offer unique value to its listeners and establish itself as a go-to resource for business owners, entrepreneurs and professionals seeking expert advice and inspiration.


Done For You Podcasts collaborated closely with Malay Damania to devise a comprehensive podcast strategy for Business Veda.

The following steps were taken to ensure the podcast's success:

1. Concept Development

Show note writing done in third person to further boost the authority of the hosting business podcast market in India. We explored various themes, formats and delivery styles to create a podcast that stood out from the cluttered space of business podcasts where hosts interview Founders and CEOs. We found the differentiating factors for the podcast that would resonate with the target audience. They were to:

  • Keep the duration of the podcast under 15 minutes

  • Amplify authority of the host by making it a solo podcast

  • Style the episodes as mini masterclasses

  • Introduction by a professional voice over artist to introduce Malay as the expert on his own show

  • Shownote writing done in third person to further boost the authority of the host

This final concept focused helped meet the client his business objective of building a credible personal brand that develops preference and affinity from his chosen target audience as well as deliver his finest entrepreneurial insights showcasing his lived experience of 30+ years.

2. Creative Production

Done For You Podcasts leveraged their expertise in audio production to create a captivating and immersive experience for the listeners. Team DFYP ensured meticulous audio recording, editing, and post-production processes. The team designed an engaging intro and outro, along with captivating episode titles and descriptions, to grab the audience's attention and generate curiosity. The episode topics are always designed in keeping in mind the trending topics in the business and MSME space.

About Malay Damania - Featured

3. Marketing Strategy

Done For You Podcasts developed a comprehensive marketing plan to promote Business Veda and increase its reach. We utilized various digital marketing channels, including social media platforms, email marketing, and strategic partnerships, to create awareness and generate buzz around the podcast. We also implemented search engine optimization techniques to ensure the podcast ranked well in relevant search results.

Strategically the podcast further niches down to focus on key topics of productivity for entrepreneurs, remote team management, hiring and retaining talent, MSME growth strategies and business case studies that can inspire growth focused business leaders achieve their success and revenue goals faster.


The combined efforts of Done For You Podcasts and Malay Damania resulted in the tremendous success of Business Veda. The podcast quickly gained popularity and became one of the top business podcasts in India. It garnered a large and loyal audience, comprising business owners, entrepreneurs, and professionals who found immense value in the practical insights and strategies shared by the guests.

Business Veda Podcast - statistics chart image

The podcast's success led to increased recognition and credibility for Malay Damania as a Business Transformation Coach. The exposure from Business Veda opened new opportunities for collaborations, speaking engagements, and consulting engagements.



Through their expertise in concept development, creative production, and strategic marketing, Done For You Podcasts enabled Business Veda, hosted by Malay Damania, to become one of the most influential business podcasts in India. The podcast's engaging content, combined with the team's dedication to quality and promotion, established Business Veda as a trusted resource for business professionals seeking practical advice and inspiration.

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